Friday, November 16, 2012

CH 12 Q2

The scientific method can be applied to many instances in life. A time where I drew an incorrect conclusion on the basis of observation alone was actually quite recent. My little sister who is a freshman in high school posted a picture from her Homecoming dance with her date on facebook. The caption on the picture said, “ I love this guy,  one of the greatest people ever to step in my life.” Once, I saw this picture on the news feed, I immediately texted her asking who this person was. I reacted in a protective brother way, but I was just being a good older brother. I simply, made a hypothesis that the boy was her new boyfriend. However, it was a misperception and it was only a friend. In conclusion, I was misled and my hypothesis was proved wrong. Hopefully, the next time I make a conclusion, it will be correct.


  1. Hi Brian,
    I enjoyed reading your post and it is nice of you to protect your sister like that. I can relate because I have two older brothers and they have acted like this several times over pictures. Incorrect assumptions seem to be popular with big brothers. I think everyone makes incorrect assumptions with the help of social networks such as, Facebook and Twitter. If my profile picture is with a guy my family members freak and assume he is my boyfriend, or is going to be. These are incorrect assumptions that can happen to anyone. Incorrect assumptions are easily made with a small gesture such as, a picture.

  2. hI BRIAN!
    Your post about your life story was just fantastic, i could really relate to how you wanted to protect your sister because i have one as well the only difference is that she is older than me! But i think it is just a males job to check on there sisters regardless of there age. But what you are talking about has happened to me on several occasions when i dont know who my sister is with and the first thing i assume when the word love is with the caption is here boyfriend.
    -mike ross
