Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ch 4 Q1

Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers known to mankind and he has created many underlying topics that many people talk about it to this day. Wisdom may be the greatest virtue, but knowledge is a little different. I feel as if wisdom is naturally attained, while knowledge is gained through learning. Through life experiences, wisdom is gained by seeing what others do. Most of the time, we acquire wisdom through our role models and people who we find relevant to our lives. For example, my parents and grandparents are people that I look up too and most of my wisdom has come from them. In college, knowledge and wisdom can be both attained. Knowledge is what we obtain from going to class and paying attention to our teachers and assignments. Wisdom as I said earlier, come from the life experiences from college such as the social aspect. The information age has made us both more knowledgeable and wiser because the technology implies instant gratification. 


  1. Hi Brian,
    I really enjoy reading your posts! I agree that wisdom is gained through experience and knowledge is a more of a learning method. I think with age we all become smarter and retain information from over the years. I feel like in college I have become wiser in certain aspects of my life. I choose my friends wisely and manage my time a lot better. I know how much leisure time and study time I should have. I have become knowledgeable and both wiser in this area of my life. Most of my wisdom comes from my grandparents, too, and I think we are alike in this. My grandparents have always been so hardworking and I have learned a lot from both of them.

  2. What's up Brian Rhetoric...
    I agree with you when you said that knowledge is obtained through learning and that wisdom is gained naturally, primarily through life experiences. One way of acquiring wisdom is definitely with the help of your parents, grandparents and other relatives. These people you grow up with and look up to, you assume they have a good amount of wisdom and that they can help pass it down to you. Also in college knowledge is definitely gained through class and teachers because the things they teach you are basically facts and information which is what the book describes them as.

  3. Hey brian!
    I agree with your feeling on wisdom and how it is naturally attained, I feel that with age wisdom is acquired and while knowledge is more something that you get taught to in college. But just as you said Knowledge and wisdom can both be attained by going to college. I agree that in class that is where most of your knowledge is going to come from while wisdom will come from the experiences that you have in college from the social aspect and from the professional aspect. I feel that as college students we are much more knowledgeable individuals rather then people with a lot of wisdom since we have not experienced as much as our parents have but we are at our prime for learning.
