Friday, November 16, 2012

CH 12 Q3

Something I found interesting from this chapter was Thomas Kuhn and his scientific Paradigms. There are three different concepts that he put forward which were normal science, paradigms, and scientific revolutions. Normal science is when, “Scientific research that is based on past achievements and a recognized by most scientists.” Paradigms on the other hand is, “The accepted view of what the world is like and how we should be studying it.” Lastly scientific revolution is ,“a paradigm shift in which a new scientific theory replaces a problematic paradigm.” There were many paradigm shifts that were discovered, for instance one paradigm shift is whether or not the world was round. Many people for the longest time believed that the world was flat and that once you reached the end, you would just fall into oblivion. This was obviously proved wrong, once explorers such as Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  I believe that as our world develops, we will experience countless of paradigm shifts. 

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