Sunday, September 30, 2012

Q2 (Dawkins and Aquinas)

There has always been a controversy between religion and science. Many scientists and philosophers have always feuded whether or not religion and science can co-exist. According to Richard Dawkin’s, “The God Delusion,” he explains that Aquina’s proof about God’s existence is unaccredited and an unwarranted assumption.  Dawkin’s notes each of Aquina’s 5 proofs and refutes each one of them. Evolution and a belief in God cannot co-exist because it is clearly an assumption about the nature of God. In the end, Dawkin’s claims are not too persuasive and his argument does not hold a strong premise. If Aquinas were still alive today, then he would still stick with his opinion. Aquinas may use more current and modern examples that would support his proofs.  In my opinion, God does exist, but trying to use reason to make sense of God is unreliable. God is based on solely faith and what values an individual believes in. 

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