Friday, December 7, 2012

Q2 Dec 3- 9th

My favorite thing about this class was the entire online aspect. It allowed everyone to be mobile and not have to sit and attend class. The way the professor organized the class through creating blogs each week was quite do-able and never a hassle. Personally, I liked bonding with my group and having the same group really made a strong connection and relationship between everyone. My least favorite thing about the class would be the essay prompts. I believe that the essay prompts should be more interesting and should relate more to the subject Comm 41. In my opinion, the essay prompt about picking an organization to write about was very irrelevant. This class can only be improved by a little because this class is very compatible to work with. The only improvements I would have made is with the essay prompts, but everything else is fine. The blogging and commenting is perfect to get the material across to the students. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Q3 Dec 3-9th

One concept from the semester that I feel that I can use to further discussion is the concept about mass media.  Mass Media are forms of communication that are disnged to reach and influence very large audiences. It is surprisingly how much the average American spends watching television. In today’s society, I believe that a lot of people are usually more attached to their phones than anything. The Iphone especially, has apps such as twitter, instagram, facebook, and etc that keep Americans occupied and attached to the media. With the media, we need to be able to think critically and evaluate the information that is presented whether it is the news, movies, shows, or online. With Mass Media it is easier to inform the public on certain events or even emergencies. Everyone is now mobile and a simple notification on their phone will automatically pop up revealing information the individual wants to see. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Q1 Dec 3 -9th

I have learned many topics of communication that I would have never thought about. This class is a good review about certain concepts that had to do with thinking and speaking, which I have not learned about since high school philosophy and English. One particular concept I learned was about arguments and how there is more to it than just the two sides. I learned how there are two types of argument which are deductive and inductive. In addition, I learned that the evaluation of an argument and the process of constructing and argument is complex. Some realistic things that I learned over the course of this semester is that working in groups are always a challenge. There will be a constant fluctuation of people’s work ethic including my own. As long as the group gets the work done efficiently then there should never be problems. Lastly, making group relationships more personal than just being work mates makes the entire process so much more effective and fun.   

Friday, November 16, 2012

CH 12 Q3

Something I found interesting from this chapter was Thomas Kuhn and his scientific Paradigms. There are three different concepts that he put forward which were normal science, paradigms, and scientific revolutions. Normal science is when, “Scientific research that is based on past achievements and a recognized by most scientists.” Paradigms on the other hand is, “The accepted view of what the world is like and how we should be studying it.” Lastly scientific revolution is ,“a paradigm shift in which a new scientific theory replaces a problematic paradigm.” There were many paradigm shifts that were discovered, for instance one paradigm shift is whether or not the world was round. Many people for the longest time believed that the world was flat and that once you reached the end, you would just fall into oblivion. This was obviously proved wrong, once explorers such as Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  I believe that as our world develops, we will experience countless of paradigm shifts. 

CH 12 Q2

The scientific method can be applied to many instances in life. A time where I drew an incorrect conclusion on the basis of observation alone was actually quite recent. My little sister who is a freshman in high school posted a picture from her Homecoming dance with her date on facebook. The caption on the picture said, “ I love this guy,  one of the greatest people ever to step in my life.” Once, I saw this picture on the news feed, I immediately texted her asking who this person was. I reacted in a protective brother way, but I was just being a good older brother. I simply, made a hypothesis that the boy was her new boyfriend. However, it was a misperception and it was only a friend. In conclusion, I was misled and my hypothesis was proved wrong. Hopefully, the next time I make a conclusion, it will be correct.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ch 12 Q1

"If you've been working toward manifesting extra money in your life, Libra, you will probably see it happen today. Copious physical and emotional energy gives your inner power of mind over matter a special impetus, and you might see the results you've wanted in finance and other matters. Professional interests should also be going well, as well as any personal projects. Keep up the good work!"

This prediction of my horoscope is actually really accurate. Horoscopes in general will someway relate to an individual’s life. The prediction could be falsified, but a person will relate to a horoscope in one way or another. Horoscopes are usually vague, but if an individual looks deep enough into the horoscope there will be some truth in it. For instance, my horoscope for today relates to me because when it says, “If I have been working toward manifesting extra money…I will probably see it today.” Well, today I received my paycheck and now I do have extra money in my life. I have also been getting the results I have wanted financially wise because my job is pretty easy. I have never been really into horoscopes, but every time I do read mine it is on point. In my personal opinion, women are more prone to look at their horoscopes, then the male population. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

CH 11 Q 2

After reading both arguments, Sadler and Hunt provide efficient backup for their claims. For the first argument by Brook Sadler, she believes that plagiarism is wrong and details why it is wrong for a student to plagiarize. She describes ten reasons why plagiarism is wrong and presents it in a choppy way. Sadler clearly writes that plagiarism is wrong and provides personal opinions of why it is her argument. In the end, I agree with Sadler when she says that colleges should have a strict policy with regards to plagiarism.  However, the person that provides the best argument has to be Hunt. The way he presents his point about plagiarism is well organized and refers to many of the vocabulary we learned from the previous chapters such as rhetoric. On the other hand Hunter believes that plagiarism is an extensive tool that could be used for educators to develop their own model of knowledge.  Lastly, many of Sadler’s claims are more of a personal opinion than evidence.